atomic love explosion

Harnessing Dream Power


Atomic Love Explosion (ALEx) is a new nonprofit designed primarily to provide more opportunities for fieldworkers and other immigrants. Low-income, immigrant, and indigenous people are encouraged to pinpoint a dream, to solve a problem, or to develop a plan and grant amount request online. We will attempt to offer support as needed, but will NOT be able to fund EVERY application.

ALEx grantees will be encouraged to read or watch a version of Pay It Forward. After they’ve received their grant, they must share the ALEx concept with another person or group. In addition, they commit to give 5% of their grant award and assist their chosen person/group to apply to ALEx.

We happily accept your application. Please note that not all applications can be funded.

APPLICATION for children over 10

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Choose all that apply in your family.
Choose one and describe your proposal in 100 or less words.
Describe how you will fulfill the dream or solve the problem. Be as specific as you can be. How much time will you need? How will you know your dream is fulfilled or your problem is solved?
How much money are you requesting for this project?
I will do my best to use it to fulfill my dream or solve my problem.
I will tell someone(s) else about ALEx and help them fill out a form.
I will give them 5% of my grant money and the rest will come from ALEx to get them started with their project.
I will talk with Judy or Ted Lucas, Alma Ramirez or other board member when they contact me to hear how I am doing or to encourage me.
I will also call them if I have any questions. (Start with 805-312-0579)
I promise to thank ALEx by text, letter, email, or phone call, as soon as you get your money or item delivered to you. Learning to thank people is an important life skill.

Red asterisk = required
Parent's Signature
Date / Time


Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Choose all that apply in your family.
Choose one and describe your proposal in 100 or less words.
Describe how you will fulfill the dream or solve the problem. Be as specific as you can be. How much time will you need? How will you know your dream is fulfilled or your problem is solved?
How much money are you requesting for this project?
I will do my best to use it to fulfill my dream or solve my problem.
I will tell someone(s) else about ALEx and help them fill out a form.
I will give them 5% of my grant money and the rest will come from ALEx to get them started with their project.
I will talk with Judy or Ted Lucas, Alma Ramirez or other board member when they contact me to hear how I am doing or to encourage me.
I will also call them if I have any questions. (Start with 805-312-0579)
I promise to thank ALEx by text, letter, email, or phone call, as soon as you get your money or item delivered to you. Learning to thank people is an important life skill.

Red asterisk = required
Date / Time






11 + 10 =


P.O. Box 1111, Oak View, CA 93022