Origin of “Atomic Love Explosion”

This phrase came out of a small home church (The Abundant Table) discussion in 2010.


Relating to the power of the atom and its potential for growth and expansion.


Affection, friendship, involvement, passion, regard, strong interest, fondness, enthusiasm, support, respect, reverence, commitment, open-heartedness, generosity, fierceness, perseverance, what-it-takes, neighborliness.


Expansion, multiplication, rocketing, uptrend, escalation, growth, snowballing, dramatic increase.


In 2013, my husband, Ted Lucas, and I became involved with a group of indigenous people from Oaxaca who lost their homes in a fire in Oxnard, California. Within two years, we created a nonprofit charity to “befriend, celebrate and support” more of these courageous people—resourceful and hopeful people. It is called Friends of Fieldworkers, Inc.

Friends of Fieldworkers (FoF) responded to basic needs for food, clothing, diapers, baby items, medical and dental care, some rental and utility help. Additionally, it provided school and art materials, children’s books and literacy projects. Laundry Love was held once a month in two city laundromats (Oxnard and Hueneme) where families came to do their laundry, free of charge and provided with all laundry supplies. It also provided us a chance to visit, read and do art with the children, catch up on family news, as well as the distribution of fresh, organic fruit, veggies, clothing and household items.

During the pandemic, FoF made 1-2 weekly home deliveries of clothing, shoes food, medicine, toys, books, art and school supplies and special treats. We also responded to our families’ births, deaths, terminal illnesses, moves and other family events. At any given time, we worked with about 25 indigenous families.


Ten years later, while FoF is determining what programs to continue, Ted and I see a new set of interests and needs emerging in this fieldworker community. The children are graduating into and from high school. They are deciding what to study and do now. One graduated from UC Berkeley and is pursuing law school. One will graduate from CSUCI this spring in social work. Three are attending local community colleges. Some are caring for new babies. Some parents are interested in expanding their options in the U.S. by studying English and eventually going to college or technical school. 

Having turned Friends of Fieldworkers over to new leadership, we founded Atomic Love Explosion, Inc., (ALEx) a new nonprofit designed primarily to provide more opportunities for this same group of people and others of immigrant status. Low-income, immigrant and indigenous people are encouraged to pinpoint a dream or a problem to solve and to develop a plan, including a grant request. We will attempt to offer support as needed, but we are unable to fund all applications.

Judy Lucas


Raised in Hawaii by missionary parents; retired from many years of teaching, including migrant, adult, ESL and special education; wife, mother and grandmother. Co-founder of Friends of Fieldworkers, Inc., and Atomic Love Explosion, Inc.

Supporting other peoples’ dreams and helping them solve problems to their satisfaction gives her much pleasure & joy.

Dr. THEODORE D. lucas


Composer, violinist, church organist, retired university administrator, past president of the Channel Islands Chamber Orchestra. Bachelor’s and Master’s in music from San Diego State University and Doctor of Music from the University of Illinois. Studied music composition with Nadia Boulanger in Paris, France. 

Alma RAmirez


Born in Ventura, California. Graduated Ventura College, attended Cal Poly Pomona and Cal State Channel Islands. 

I am honored to have served as a board member of Friends of Fieldworkers and the Oak View Civic Council. I continue to volunteer in community events and local initiatives. My hometown of Oak View and its people continue to be a great source of my strength and inspiration. 







10 + 7 =


P.O. Box 1111, Oak View, CA 93022